Beckhoff Clearance Sale

ImagePart NumberDescriptionSupplierQty In-stockSale Price Each
Beckhoff Processor
user profile 1CX5010-1121Embedded PC with Intel Atom® processorBeckhoff2£999.00
user profile 1CX5130-0000Embedded PC with Intel Atom® E3827, 1.75 GHz processorBeckhoff2£1300.00
Beckhoff K Bus I/O
user profile 1BK1250Ethercat Compact couplerBeckhoff7£95.00
user profile 1KL13622-channel digital input, break-in alarmBeckhoff29£40.00
user profile 1KL1512Up- or Down-Counter TerminalBeckhoff26£52.00
user profile 1KL26411-channel relay output, 230 V AC, 16 A, manual operationBeckhoff45£125.00
user profile 1KL287216-channel digital output terminal 24 V DC, FlatBeckhoff4£62.00
user profile 1KL30544-channel analog input, current, 4…20 mABeckhoff2£160.00
user profile 1KL30644-channel analog input, voltage, 0…10 VBeckhoff1£150.00
user profile 1KL32088-channel analog input, temperature, RTD (Pt1000, NTC)Beckhoff1£175.00
user profile 1KL40044-channel analog output, voltage, 0…10 VBeckhoff3£180.00
user profile 1KL60211-channel communication interface, serial, RS422/RS485Beckhoff4£175.00
user profile 1KL60411-channel communication interface, serial, RS422/RS485Beckhoff3£175.00
user profile 1KL63011-channel communication interface, KNX/EIBBeckhoff2£175.00
user profile 1KL67811-channel communication interface, M-Bus, masterBeckhoff1£160.00
user profile 1KL9010End TerminalBeckhoff1£20.00
user profile 1KL9020Terminal bus extension, end terminalBeckhoff6£50.00
user profile 1KL9050Terminal bus extension, coupler terminalBeckhoff3£70.00
user profile 1KL9100Potential supply terminal, 24 V DCBeckhoff3£20.00
Beckhoff  E Bus I/O
user profile 1EL187216-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 10 µs, flat-ribbonBeckhoff2£130.00
user profile 1EL287216-channel digital output, 24 V DC, 0.5 A, flat-ribbonBeckhoff1£230.00
user profile 1EL3008 8-channel analog input, voltage, ±10 V, 12 bit, single-endedBeckhoff2£300.00
user profile 1EL32044-channel analog input, temperature, RTD (Pt100), 16 bitBeckhoff2£144.00
user profile 1EL400816-channel digital input, 24 V DC, 10 µs, flat-ribbonBeckhoff1£140.00
user profile 1EL60211-channel communication interface, serial, RS422/RS485Beckhoff1£160.00
user profile 1EL68511-channel communication interface, DMX, masterBeckhoff2£110.00