Our front end software allows multiple users to login simultaneously. Each user can be given their relevant security clearance. Some users might only be able to view their own site (such as a store manager). Other users could view multiple sites (such as an area manager).
VIEW SCREENLeak Detection
As one of the UK’s leading BMS Controls Companies with a
global capacity for remote systems management, Alpha Air
offers its client a uniquely bespoke servicei
The system is capable of monitoring a wide range of substances, including HFCs, Gases, Water, Petrochemical, and
CO2 in a single integrated system.
It can be customised to meet each client’s individual requirements and adapted for all types of applications. It can also
accept the addition of an automatic pump down facility, for
equipment supplied from all major manufacturers. VIEW DETAILSIpad Screen
15g Chives
100g Cottage Cheese
1 Bun
Chop everything up into small bits and put into a bowl. That was easy huh?
Enjoy this special dish brought to you by Slider Revolution. VIEW DETAILHouse
250g Mixed Salad
50g Nuts
100g Beetroot
Your Favorite Dressing
Chop everything up into small bits and put into a bowl. That was easy huh?
Enjoy this special dish brought to you by Slider Revolution. VIEW DETAILSIt's Just Cornflakes
150ml Milk
50g Cornflakes
That's it!
Chop everything up into small bits and put into a bowl. That was easy huh?
Enjoy this special dish brought to you by Slider Revolution. VIEW DETAILSCAR DEALER
150ml Milk
50g Granola
50g Blueberries
Chop everything up into small bits and put into a bowl. That was easy huh?
Enjoy this special dish brought to you by Slider Revolution. MAIN SCREENSBrochures
Our front end software allows multiple users to login simultaneously. Each user can be given their relevant security clearance. Some users might only be able to view their own site (such as a store manager). Other users could view multiple sites (such as an area manager).